The City of Peru, Indiana

Circus Capital of the World

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Contractor Registration

Contractor Registration:
Contractor Registration is a requirement in the City of Peru, its jurisdiction and the whole of Miami County.

What information do I need to provide?
We need your company name, contact information, proof of insurance.

What does this do for my business?
Contractor registration affords you some assurance that you are competing with businesses that have similar overhead.  It further legitimizes you with the community by entering your business in our database which is available to anyone who comes to City Hall inquiring about your particular type of business.

How much will it cost my business:
The fee is $25.00,   Reoccurring registrations should re-register yearly between January 1 and February 28.

***Please know, all contractors arranging to work within the City of Peru should register prior to beginning work.

What if I don't want to register?
As a contractor, if you choose not to register, you and or your customer will not be able to procure any permits.  You will further jeopardize your project by incurring costly project delays and fines, which could end in litigation. (See 152.18 C in the City's Code.)

Click HERE for the application or visit the "MORE INFORMATION" section of the links to the right and select "Forms & Applications" for the Contractor Registration Application.


  If you are registering with the City of Peru as an Electrical Contractor, the City requires that you pass a test.  The test is 72% based on the 2017 NEC Code Book and is an open book test.  The remaining 28% is based on local, Peru Utilities residential standards.  

Click HERE for the City of Peru Electrical Test Information & Study Guide.

Click HERE for Peru Utilities Customer/Contractor Electrical Handbook of Standards for Residential Services.


The City of Peru & Miami County Building Department offer cross registration.   This means you can register at EITHER location and be registered for both jurisdictions.   

 When pulling a permit, just show proof of registration, provide a copy of your Certificate of Insurance showing the agency as the Certificate Holder.  You may have to complete a contractor registration application but will NOT have to pay both locations.  

Registrations run from January 1 to December 31 and renewal is required if you wish to pull permits in our jurisdictions.

Contact Us

  • Business: (765) 473-4881
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 8am-4pm

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