The City of Peru, Indiana

Circus Capital of the World

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Planning Commission

       An Advisory Plan Commission for the city, is here to promote the orderly development of its governmental units and environs and for the purpose of improving the present health, safety, convenience and welfare of the citizens of the city, to the end that highway systems be carefully planned, that new community centers grow only with adequate highways, utilities, health, educational and recreational facilities, that the needs of agriculture, industry and businesses be recognized in future growth, that residential areas provide healthy surroundings for family life, and that growth of the city is commensurate with and promotive of the efficient and economical use of public funds.  The Plan Commission shall serve in an advisory capacity to the City Executive of the city and shall have such regulatory power affecting the public welfare of the citizens of the city as are not otherwise controlled, and such other power as may from time to time be granted to carry out the purpose of this chapter, 151 in the City Ordinance.

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City Hall
35 S Broadway
Peru, IN 46970
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