The City of Peru, Indiana

Circus Capital of the World

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Operation Pull Over

Each year the Peru Police Department participates in Operation Pull Over (OPO).

click it or ticket

Peru PD combines forces with the Miami County Sheriff’s Office to formulate the Miami County Traffic Safety Partnership. Funding is provided through a federal grant.

The Operation Pull Over (OPO) Enforcement grant promotes a coordinated effort to improve occupant protection strategies, and reduce fatality and injuries related to seat belt usage and impaired driving.

The OPO Enforcement Program is the primary seat belt enforcement program in Indiana. This program is intended to increase seat belt usage and overall occupant protection for motorists in Indiana. Operation Pull Over includes four active enforcement mobilization quarters. Two state enforcement efforts are Safe Family Travel (November) and Dangerous Driving Enforcement (DDE) (March), and two national enforcement efforts are Click It or Ticket (May) and Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over (August).

drive sober logo

Contact Us

City Hall
35 S Broadway
Peru, IN 46970
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